Meaning and Definition of Sales Management:
A sales
promotion is a marketing
strategy in which a business uses a temporary campaign or offer to increase interest
or demand in its product
or service.
There are many reasons why a
business may choose to use a sales promotion (or ‘promo’), but the primary reason
is to boost sales. Sales boosts may be needed to reach a quota as a deadline
approaches, or to raise awareness of a new product.
Promotion is a comprehensive term
and covers the entire gamut of advertising, publicity, public relations, personal selling and sales promotions.
promotion is thus a part of promotion, and is restricted to direct inducements on a short-term basis given to consumers
or trade so
to stimulate purchases of products and services
Nature of Sales Promotion:
Sales promotion is designed to speed
up the selling process and maximize sales volume. By providing
an extra incentive, sales promotion techniques can motivate consumers to purchase a large quantity of a brand of
shortening the purchase cycle of the trade or consumers by encouraging
them to take more immediate
Irregular/ Non-Recurring Activity: Sales Promotion is an Irregular and Non-Recurring Activity to increase sales.
Target Action: It can be targeted to three distinct audiences. The first is
internal and is usually the marketer’s
own salespeople. There may, however, be other employees targeted such as
technical sales support people or telemarketers.
Motivation and Extra Incentive: It involves some type of incentive that offers a reason to buy. This incentive
is usually the key element in a promotional program and is an effort by which consumers, traders, and Salesforce are motivated towards
maximum sales.
Acceleration Tools: It is designed
to speed up the selling process and maximizes sales volume. Sales promotion
can be implemented quickly and gets sales results sooner than advertising.
Non-Media Activity: It is referred to as a non-media activity as sales promotion is
differentiated from advertising and publicity, and also includes
them as part of the overall promotion
Planned Activity: It is generally planned as a specific marketing
event. In other words, it is a ‘stand-alone activity that, although incorporated into
the marketer’s overall marketing
communication strategy, is planned
as a unique event.
Versatile: It
is extremely versatile. The different forms of sales promotion are capable of
being used with various
groups and designed to achieve different
effects. It can be used throughout the product life cycle.
Scope of sales promotion:
Sales promotion is a supplementary effort to advertising and personal selling.
It does not include
advertising and personal
selling, publicity and public relations. 3. Motivation – It is an effort
by which the consumers,
traders and
sales force are motivated towards maximum sales.
Sales Promotion Operates at Three Levels:
At the level of consumer, it is called consumer promotion,
e.g., free gifts,
samples, price-offs.
the level of dealers and distribution,
it is called trade promotion, e.g., free goods,
display contests, dealer
sales contests, push money, etc.
At the level
of salespersons, it is called sales force promotion, e.g., salesmen’s contests,
bonus and sales rallies.
Factors Influencing on Sales Promotion:
Type of Product: Type of product plays an important role in deciding on promotion
mix. Product can be categorized in terms of branded products,
non-branded products, necessity products, luxury products, new products, etc. All these types of products
need different promotional tools. For example, advertising is suitable
for the branded and popular products.
Personal selling may be fit
for non-branded products. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – all four tools –
are used for a newly launched product
to get a rapid consumer
Use of Product: Product may be industrial product, consumable and necessity product, or may be
luxurious product that affects selection of promotion tools
and media. For example, advertising and sales promotion techniques are widely
used for consumer goods while personal selling is used for industrial goods.
Complexity of Product: Product complexity affects selection of promotional tools. Personal
selling is more effective for complex, technical, risky, and newly
developed products as they need personal
explanation and observation. On the other end, advertising is more suitable for simple and easy-handled products.
Purchase Quantity and Frequency: Company should also consider purchase frequency and purchase quantity
while deciding on promotion mix. Generally, for frequently purchase
product, advertising is used, and for
infrequently purchase product, personal selling and sales promotion are
preferred. Personal selling and advertising are used for heavy users and light users respectively.
Fund Available for Market Promotion: Financial capacity of company
is a vital factor affecting promotion mix.
Advertising through television, radio, newspapers and magazines is too costly
to bear by financially poor companies
while personal selling and sales promotion are comparatively cheaper tools.
Even, the company may opt for publicity
by highlighting certain commercially significant events
Type of Market: Type of market or consumer
characteristics determine the form of
promotion mix. Education, location,
income, personality characteristics, knowledge, bargaining capacity,
profession, age, sex, etc.,
the important factors that affect
company’s promotion strategy.
Size of Market: Naturally, in case of a limited market, personal
selling is more
effective. When market is wide with a large number of
buyers, advertising is preferable. Place is also an important issue. Type of message, language of message, type of sales promotion
tools, etc., depend on geographical areas.
Stage of Product Life Cycle: Product passes through four stages of its life cycle. Each stage poses different threats and opportunities.
Each stage needs separate marketing strategies. Each of the promotional
tools has got different
degree of suitability with stages of product life cycle.
It can be concluded
that, in normal situations:
Advertising, personal selling,
and, even, sales promotion are used during the introduction stage.
However, advertising is given more priority
More intensive advertising and sales promotional techniques are used during the second stage,
More rigorous advertising along with personal
selling are followed
in the third stage, and
Company prefers to
curb the expenses in forth
stage, and promotional efforts
are reduced.
Level of Competition: Promotional efforts are designed according to type and intensity of competition. All promotional
tools are aimed at protecting company’s interest against competition. Level of
promotional efforts and selection of promotional tools depend on level of competition.
Promotional Objectives: It is the prime factor affecting
promotional mix. Different objectives can be
achieved by using different tools of promotional mix. If
company’s objective is to inform a large number of buyers, advertising
is advisable. If company wants to convince limited consumers, it may go for
personal selling. Even, when company wants to influence
buyers during specific season or occasion, the sales promotion can be used. Some companies use publicity to create or improve
brand image and goodwill in the market.
Other Factors: Over and above these factors, there are certain minor factors that affect promotion mix. These factors may include:
Price of Product
Type of Marketing
Degree of Product
iv. Desire for Market Penetration, etc.
Sales control is one of the functions
of sales management which ensures the sales achievement and profit objectives of the company
by coordinating effectively and efficiently the different sales functions. The main goals of sales control is optimization of number in sales.
Importance of Sales Control:
business function needs a
control mechanism. Sales management is a broad field and consists of various aspects and functions. Like all other process control
set of procedures need to be established, performance should be evaluated
periodically and digression
from the standards should be addressed swiftly.
Sales control process can be
executed either through behavioral aspects like sales efforts or by allocation of selling time or through
cost aspects like performance expenses
and sales-function administration. Sales personnel need to be
trained sufficiently to maintain a consistent effort in sales and also productivity of the sales person should be maintained.
Sales control doesn’t focus only on
managerial action related to sales,
it also encompasses all activities which
ensure the even flow of products or services from the producer
to the consumer.
Types of Sales Control:
Sales budget and sales programs
are the basic available tools to control the efforts. Other
available tools are
1. Sales Budget
2. Sales Programs
3. Sales Audit
4. Sales Analysis
The above tools can be used in identifying the strength
and weakness of the internal processes
and opportunities
and threats from the external environment. Further it will help the
management in locating the defect
in the functioning of the sales department and take corrective measures.
Sales Budget: Sales budget creates
a overall constraint
for the sales team to operate within.
Budget in terms of
expenses and efforts spent can control the sales activities well and align them
with company's sales objectives and profit targets. A sales team may be able to perform well and meet
sales target but if the cost spent to
achieve the same is very high then
the profit would be less. Hence companies assign a sales budget for the sales activities.
Sales Programs: Sales program are a set of activities, training and best practices which a company
follows for performing sales
activities. A sales program can train the sales force well on the companies
values so that the sales team follows
them when they go on field
to sell the products
and services. Through a program
it can be ensured
that all the sales team members follow similar approach
system to achieve it.
Sales Audit: Sales audit is the systematic and unbiased review of the basic objective and policy of the selling function of an organization. Sales audits help
in improving the effectiveness of the
sales arm of the organization. Audits
normally examine six aspects such as
• Objective of the company
• Internal policies
• Structure of the organization
• Sales methods
• Procedures
• Sales personnel
Sales Analysis: Sales analysis is the study of sales volume
operations to find the sales and profit trend. It helps in achieving better sales performance. It also provides insights on the sales territories, type of customers and products.
Strengths of Sales Promotion:
Helps to Differentiate: One of the most important aspects of a sales promotion is creating
differentiation. If it’s not
different, it won’t get noticed. Even though we may be marketing to the same
audience, we can still make our promotion more appealing to them
by highlighting features they don’t already have or aren’t offered
with what they’re
already buying.
Creates Opportunity for Communication: Every company should
have a plan for sales promotion. Whether we sell products or services, we need to
create communication opportunities with our customers. This involves advertising, promotions,
sweepstakes and social media marketing. Moreover, it can also improve
the company’s ROI by increasing customer retention, customer
engagement, and customer satisfaction.
Promotes Word-of-mouth: The most important feature of sales promotion is word of mouth. Most
people trust the claims and
recommendations of people that they know, particularly when it comes to
something like a product or service. Sales
promotion has many benefits such as building customer loyalty and increasing
sales volume, but it can also be
used by businesses to establish their brand identity. As a result, this type of marketing
is often more cost-effective than other forms.
Ideal for Cross-selling and Upselling: One of the most important tools that marketers have is the ability to
create cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. When
they do this, they are able to maximise their sales without having to go through a lot of extra work. They can also
create promotions and incentives for customers who buy products
as well as create discounts for those who already own certain products.
Gives a Reason to Buy: Another advantage of
sales promotion is the creation of a reason to buy. It sparks interest
in the recipient’s mind so that they believe that there is a good reason to
purchase the product. This can
be done through various methods such as AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and
Action) or the PAS model (pain-agitate-solution)
Promotes Focused Marketing: When it comes to marketing, everyone is looking for that one magic
bullet. The answer most people are searching
for is that one tool that will help them get more sales or better results with less effort.
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” solution
and each company has to find the unique approach that works best for their particular industry and product.
Probability for Higher Revenue: Creating a sales promotion is the best way to increase our revenue.
Offer discounts, coupons, and other incentives to encourage people to buy
more items. It is important that you create a promotional strategy so
that we can reach as many people as possible
with this marketing
Provides Information for Our Customers: The main advantage of using online sales
promotion is that we can
create a source of information for your customers. It’s easy to post pictures, videos
and descriptions of our products on social media sites like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
This will help increase the number of visitors to our website and make it more visible to people in
search engines. These features also help
us promote your brand as well as attracting new customers.
Limitations of Sales Promotion:
Increased Sensitivity to
Price Change: A common
disadvantage of this strategy is that the customer becomes more price sensitive and will look for a way to save
money, even if it doesn’t affect their quality
of life.
Might Cause a Negative Brand Image: Sometimes sales promotions have a negative impact
on the quality of the company’s image. For example, if people see a sale on an
unhealthy product like potato chips or a soup,
they may gossip about it to friends and colleagues. Customers might also think
that the company is offering low-quality products if the discount
on the product is very high.
Short Term Strategy: Sales promotion is not a long-term solution. It should be used to
ensure immediate success, but it
shouldn’t be the only focus of our marketing strategy. Sales promotion is too
short-term in nature and doesn’t
address long-term issues for the company such as customer relations, product
pricing, innovation, etc.
Sales Promotion might not be able to Change Customer Perception: One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is to think that presenting
a promotion will transform a customer’s opinion about their product. If people don’t believe in our
product, then our product or even the company may perish. For instance, the popular Note series mobiles
from Samsung were found to be a fire and an explosion hazard. This dented the company’s image for a few years.
Promotion Cannot Save a Bad Product: Sales promotion cannot overcome
product problems. For example, a lack
of distribution channels or poor product quality will affect the effectiveness
of sales promotion.
Promotion Cannot Compensate for a Poorly Trained Sales Force: There are
many reasons why sales promotion is not the perfect solution
all businesses. For one, it can’t compensate
for a poorly trained
sales force. If a company’s
salespeople aren’t properly prepared for their roles, selling with promotions can actually be counterproductive.
Extra Stock could Accumulate: Sales promotion may affect our company
negatively because it could cause the extra stock to stay
in the market for too long
or it could cause other companies to make unauthorized sales of our product.
Other Limitations of Sales Promotion
to Differentiate Product. Affects
Consumer Attitude Formation. Creating a Price Orientation.
Borrowings from Future Sales.
Time and Expense.
Legal Consideration.
Erodes Brand Loyalty.
Useful Only in Mature Markets.
Concept of Sales Organization:
A sales organization is responsible
for the sale and distribution of goods and services. It represents the selling unit as a legal entity. It is
responsible for product guarantees and other rights to recourse, for example. Regional subdividing
the market can also be
carried out with the help
of sales organizations.
organization consists of human beings or persons working
together for the effective marketing of products manufactured by the firm or
the products purchased for resale. Sales organization co-ordinates the efforts of members of a group to bring
about a desirable result. It provides an efficient, economic and flexible administrative set up to ensure
timely movement of products from the warehouse to the ultimate consumer.
Thus, it provides satisfactory job to buyers and sellers.
sales organization has a number of departments. It has
a planned and well co-ordinated structure. It
performs the functions of planning, organizing and controlling marketing and
distribution of products. Sales organization is a foundation for effective
sales planning and sales policies. Systematic execution of plans and policies and programs of a sales
organization control all the sales activities. As such it ensures maximum
efficiency and profitability without losing consumer
service and satisfaction.
Scope of Sales Organization:
Sales organisation establishes a link between the producers and consumers. Selling departments are the ears of the business concern. They convey the complaints and suggestions of the customers
to the producers for the further improvement in the goods and also for
providing efficient service to customers.
They also convey the viewpoint
of producers to their customers.
This helps in establishing closer
link between the two viz., producers and customers.
Functions of a Sales Organization:
Study of distribution trends.
Research of
Development of policies.
Investigation of sales methods.
Analysis of operations.
Creation plans and programmes.
Sales promotion and advertisement.
Recruitment, selection, training
and remuneration of sales
Sales control.
There are Five Major Steps in Setting up a Sales Organization:
1. Defining
Objectives: The first step is to define the
sales department’s objectives. Top management
defines the long-term objectives for the company,
and from these,
the objectives for the sales
department are derived.
Top management, for instance, may want the form not only
to survive but to achieve industry leadership,
develop a reputation for outstanding
technical research, diversify its product lines, provide excellent
service to customers, furnish
investors with a generous return, establish an image of public responsibility,
and so on.
2. Determination
of Activities:
Only after determining all necessary activities and
estimating the volume of performance is it possible to answer
such questions as What executive
positions are
required? What should
be their relationships to other
positions? What should be the duties and responsibilities of the person
so fill these positions?
Determining the necessary activities and their volume of
performance is a matter of analyzing the sales
department’s qualitative and quantitative objectives.
The activities involved in modern sales management are
similar from firm to firm, and although individual sales executives think
that their operations are different, most differences are more apparent
than real.
3. Grouping Activities
into Positions: Next, the
activities that are identified as necessary are allocated to
two different positions.
Activities are classified and grouped so that closely related tasks assigned to
same position.
Each position should
contain not only a sufficient number of tasks but
sufficient variation to provide for job challenge, interest, and involvement, only in very
large organization, where extreme
specialization is practiced,
should a position comprise only a
single activity, and even here the burden of proof should be on those
4. Assignment of Personal to Positions: The next step is to assign personnel to the positions.
This brings up the question
of whether to recruit special
individuals to fill the positions or to modify
the positions to fit the capabilities of available personnel. This is a question
that has long been controversial.
5. Provision for Coordination and Control:
Sales executives
who have other reporting to them (that is,
those with line authority) require
means to control their subordinates and to co-ordinate their efforts.
They should not be so overburdened with detailed and undelegated responsibilities that they have insufficient time for coordination.
Best Sales Organizational Structure
and Changes in Sales Team:
Reduce conflict between team members
Increase engagement from the sales team members
A more knowledgeable sales team that is ready to face a variety
of situations Better coordination
of activities between team members
Better communication between
Clearer communication of expectations and goals for the team
Improved decision-making based on the team's expectations and goals set prior Possibility for more customers and
more sales with a more cohesive team.
We will be able to reap all of these benefits of a more
organized team by taking the time to evaluate our industries, clients, and geographical locations. Once we
evaluate this information, we can then place the right people in the right roles based on
their individual strengths.
The following are the basis of forms of sales organization:
1. On the Basis of Geographic Areas: In the case of a large sized firm, sales organization
may be made on the basis of geographical area. In this case
duplication of selling agents is eliminated. A single trader or salesman sells
the products of a producer in a particular area or locality. Producers selling
the production at a national
or international level prepare their sales organization on this basis.
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2. On the Basis of Products: In such a form of sales organization departments for the sale of different
types of products
are established. This is used
in a firm which produces or sells different types of goods. Salesmen are given
training for the sale of a particular product and
they are specialists in that.
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3. On the Basis of Customers: A company produces goods of specific nature such as special tastes, interest
or fashions of the customers. Sales organization should be made on the
basis of customers. Personal and intimate
relations between the salesmen and customers help in the utmost satisfaction of
the individual customers and in
increasing sales.
Salesmen should know the behavior and personal likes and
dislikes of each of their customers in order to serve them efficiently.
4. On
the Basis of Sales Activities: For a large-sized enterprise that has succeeded in developing extensive sales both within and outside
the country, the organization chart given below portrays organizational arrangements of the marketing department.
Sales managers, both
for home and export sales, are entrusted with command or line authority
by the general sales manager
and they are accountable to the general
sales manager for achieving predetermined goals of sales.
In their marketing work, sales managers are assisted by
a number of area sales managers and overseas agents. To give necessary advice
and service for facilitating the actual selling work, four staff positions are
created in the organization, namely, the advertising manager,
the sales promotion manager,
the merchandising manager and the market research
and development manager.
These managers have staff authority along with functional authority vested
in them and they are not directly responsible for actual selling. They confine their activities to
giving advice and service to the managers with line authority. The role of the
advertising manager and sales promotion manager is that of demand creation, expansion of sales etc. The merchandising manager
makes the products ready for sales by overseeing the work of designing, packaging
labelling and branding.
He also makes
for warehousing and transporting arrangements for the dispersal of products throughout market areas. The market
research and development manager gather
relevant market information, classifies market data and presents facts for the guidance of marketing
But the lower volume of sales in the case of smaller
concerns does not warrant the creation of so many managerial positions. In such cases, the general
sales manager may perform the functions of other managers himself and the entire marketing work may be carried on with the help of one or two area managers, one advertising manager
and an additional manager for sales promotion
and marketing research.
For staffing
the sales organization, the selection and training
of personnel are usually made
by the personnel manager.
The sales manager
engages the available
men and makes appropriate placement
of personnel.
Small enterprises which do not set up a separate
personnel department authorize the marketing manager to make his own arrangement for selecting, training
and developing the sales force.
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